Alexandra Children’s Centre
Enroll With ACC For
Quality Care

On occasions when there are no current spaces available at the time of your enquiry, all clients are offered the opportunity of going on our waiting list.
Registration process is as follows:
Call or email accprogramstaff@bellaliant.com to be added to the waitlist or inquire for space availability
When spaces become available, the Assistant Director will phone the parent/guardian.
A time to meet with her and tour the building will be arranged.
On completion of the tour and discussion with the Assistant Director, the parent/guardian will then be emailed a Registration Pack to complete which includes a Registration Fee of $50. This fee secures your child's space.
You will be asked to return the forms one week prior your child's first day at the Centre for our administrator to process.
Daily Fees:
Infants $44.55
Toddlers $38.20
Preschoolers $37.10
*Fees do not include the Federal Fee Reduction
Hours of Operation:
7:30am to 5:15pm
Need a Provincial Government Subsidy?
Parent Handbook